Online Registration

Pre-Registration Instructions:

1. Click the black & red flashing button that says: 'Register Now'
2. 'Check' the refund policy little box, enter your email and click 'Continue'
3. Click the 'Add Wrestler' button. It doesn't matter if you aren't a wrestler; the button is for ALL competitors.
4. Skip over the OPTIONAL trackwrestling # at the top left. You don't need this.
5. Enter all your information, select the divisions you want to compete in and click 'Add this Wrestler'.
6. Click 'Add Another Wrestler' if you need to register more people. If not, click 'Continue'

7. At the 'Billing and Check-out' page you have 1 of 2 options described below:

a. PAY ONLINE TO SAVE MONEY: Fill out the credit card info, then click the 'submit registration' button.
b. PAY CASH AT THE DOOR: Leave the credit card info area BLANK before clicking the 'submit registration' button.

For help contact 386-748-8810 or click here.
Start => Get Invoice # => Add Wrestlers => Submit Registration => Done

I have clicked on the [Read Refund Policy] button above, read through the policy, and agree to its terms and conditions.
This registration has been assigned invoice number: 2110562135. You will be able to use this invoice number along with a password you specify to access this registration on a later date.

Enter your email address so you can have this invoice number and a password sent to you via email if necessary.

Enter a password you would like to use if you don't want the computer to randomly assign one to you. and repeat it .