Statistics Program
  1. Sign In
    1. Go to
    2. Select the season you are logging into
    3. Select a user type of 'Administrator'
    4. Enter your username and password
    5. Click on the [Enter Season] button
    6. Once logged in, you will be looking at your teams schedule page
  2. Setup your roster
    1. Click on the red 'Roster' link at the top of the page
    2. Use the [Add Team Member] button to add wrestlers to your roster
    3. To edit a wrestler's information you can click on the name of the wrestler
    4. NOTE: The first wrestler listed in a weight class is assumed to be the starter. You can use the 'Move' links to move wrestlers around and then use the [Save Order] button to save it.
  3. Enter your team information
    1. Click 'Team Info' at the top of the page
    2. Fill in the fields and click the [Save] button
  4. Setup your media contacts
    1. Click 'Media Contacts' at the top of the page
    2. Use the [Add Media Contact] button to add an email address of someone you would like to have your results sent to.
    3. To delete a media contact, click on the email address you would like to remove
  5. Setup your schedule
    1. Click 'Schedule' at the top of the page
    2. Add a dual to your schedule
      1. Use the [Add Dual] button to add a dual meet to your schedule
      2. If your opponent is in the drop down box, then you can select them from the drop box
      3. If your opponent is not in the drop down box, you must use the "New Team" boxes to add the team
      4. NOTE: You must enter a team name and abbreviation
    3. Add a non-dual event to your schedule
      1. Use the [Add Other Event] button to add a non-dual event to your schedule
      2. NOTE: This can be anything from a tournament to an end of the year banquet.
    4. You can indicate you will be providing play by play results for any of the events in your schedule. What that means is you will be entering the scores as they happen on some type of device. This would allow people to tune in and watch the matches unfold online. To indicate an event will be entered play by play, change the drop box next to the event name to say "Play by Play".
  6. Entering dual meet results
    1. Click on the dual meet you would like to enter results for
    2. Select the starting weight class
    3. Enter a weight class result
      1. Click on the weight class you would like to enter a result for
        1. Use the drop boxes to select the wrestlers that will wrestle each other at that weight class
          • NOTE: The starters for each team in that weight class are defaulted in
        2. If the wrestler is not in the drop down box, use the corresponding "New Team Member" box to enter the new wrestlers name
        3. Once the wrestlers in the bout are listed, click on the [Save] button
      2. Use the options on the next screen to enter details about the match
        1. "Next" will take you to the next piece of the match (Period 1, Choice 1, Period 2, ...)
        2. "Prev" will take you to the previous piece of the match
        3. "Wrestlers" will take you back to the wrestlers in the match
        4. "Result" will take you to a screen to enter the final result of the match
        5. The options on the left are associated with the left wrestler
        6. The options on the right are associated with the right wrestler
        7. You can use the "Commentation" box to add comments to the match if you want to
        8. You can click on an option you added to the match detail if you would like to edit it.
    4. Adjusting the team score
      1. Click on the [Adjust Team Points] button to adjust a score
      2. NOTE: If you are taking a point away, enter -1. If you are giving an extra point enter 1. The value of points can be whatever you choose.
    5. Making comments on the dual
      1. If desired, enter your comments into the "Dual Meet Comments" box and whatever you enter will also be sent to the media. This allows you to add anything you think should be included about the dual.
      2. Click the [Save Comments] button if you edit the comments.
    6. You can get a statistical summary of the dual by clicking the "Summary" link at the top of the page.
  7. Entering event results
    1. Click on the event you would like to edit
    2. Use the [Add Match] button to add a match to your event
      1. If you event is associated with a Trackwrestling event, you can fetch the names and teams of the wrestlers from the event
      2. If not, enter the names and teams of the wrestlers in the match
      3. The rest of the match entry is the same as match entry for duals (which is explained above)
    3. Making comments on the event
      1. If desired, enter your comments into the "Event Comments" box. This allows you to add anything you think should be included about the event.
      2. Click the [Save Comments] button if you edit the comments.
    4. You can get a statistical summary of the event by clicking the "Summary" link at the top of the page.
  8. Setup reports
    1. Click 'Statistics' at the top of the page
    2. Use the [Add Report] button to add a report.
      1. Choose a name for your report and enter it into the "Report Name" box.
      2. Choose if you would like the report to include your wrestlers data, your wrestlers opponents data, and/or a ratio between the two.
        • NOTE: Hold ctrl and click to select multiple entries
      3. Use the drop boxes to select what you would like to have show up in the columns on your report
      4. Select how you would like your data grouped (in other words summed up or totaled)
        • By Event: You will have totals for each event
        • By Wrestler: You will have totals for each wrestler
        • By Match: You will have totals for a match
        • NOTE: If level 1 grouping is "By Event" and level 2 grouping is "By Wrestler", then you will have totals by event, and then totals for each wrestler in that event.
      5. For each grouping
        1. Select the size font you would like for those rows of the report
        2. Select the color scheme you would like used for those rows in the report
        3. Choose how you would like the corresponding rows in the report sorted.
        4. For Example: If I was creating a report for most takedowns, I would sort by "T2" "Wrestler Data" "Descending". This would sort takedowns for my wrestlers data in descending order so the largest numbers are on the top of the report.
      6. You can use the "Filter" boxes at the bottom if you want to limit the report to only pertain to certain wrestlers and/or events.
      7. Choose if you want to make the report available to the public or not.
      8. Click on the [Add Report] button.
    3. Use the [Import Reports] button to import a report that you saw done by someone else which you liked.
    4. You can edit a report by clicking on the associated "edit" link.
    5. You can delete a report by clicking on the associated "delete" link.
  9. Entering results on a mobile device
    1. Go to
    2. Select "TW Stats"
    3. Login to your season with your username and password
    4. The general layout of everything is the same, but you have limited functionality
    5. Shortcut keys on match entry screen for a phone are:
      • 1 = Wrestlers
      • 2 = Prev
      • 4 = Takes the focus to the box just above the left wrestlers options so you can move to an option and select it quickly
      • 5 = Takes the focus to the box just above the entered detail so you can move to it and edit it quickly
      • 6 = Takes the focus to the box just above the right wrestlers options so you can move to an option and select it quickly
      • 7 = Takes you quickly to the "Commentation" box
      • 8 = Next
      • 9 = Result
  10. You can follow the steps below to view a video demonstration of the steps in this document.
    1. Right click on this link
    2. Choose "Save Target As..."
    3. Save the zip file to your computer
    4. Navigate to the directory where you saved it
    5. Right click on the zip file
    6. Choose "Extract All" and follow the steps in the unzip wizard.
    7. You now have a "Folder" with the same name as your zip file
    8. Click inside the folder
    9. Double click on "StatisticsProgram.wpl" and the video should start playing in Windows Media Player