CIF Assessor Instructions
CIF Assessor Instructions
Season login

Click here for a video on this topic.


  1. Go to
  2. Select your season and click the blue [Login] button
  3. Enter your username/password and click the  > button or hit the 'Enter' key on your keyboard
  4. Update your account information if prompted


Edit admin account info in a season


  1. Log into your account as an admin
  2. Click on MY ACCOUNT in the blue top menu
  3. Click on EDIT ACCOUNT
  4. Update necessary information and then click the [Save] button at the bottom of the page

    **NOTE** - Some account information is locked and can't be edited


View teams and transactions as an assessor

Click here for a video on this topic.

**NOTE** - Some of these steps may vary slightly.


  1. Click MY ACCOUNT => My Teams to see any teams you can access.  Click on a team to see a team's roster, transactions, and assessments.  If you do not see any teams then you have not been assigned yet.
  2. Click MY ACCOUNT => My Transactions to see your transactions.  Click on a transaction to view assessments.


Enter practice transactions

Click here for a video on this topic.

**NOTE** - Some of the steps in this process may vary slightly. 


  1. Log in with your username and password
  2. If you are an Assessor: click on the team you want to enter practice assessments for.  If you are a team admin: click Weight Management in the grey menu.
  3. If there is a practice transaction listed click on it and skip to step 5.  Otherwise, click the [Add Transaction] button. 
  4. Enter values for all the fields and be sure to select 'Practice' for the field 'Transaction Mode'.  Click the [Add] button to be taken to the practice transaction.
  5. Click the [Add Assessment] button
  6. Select either a male or female test wrestler, check/edit the assessment date and answer the 'Passed Hydration' question or enter the 'Specific Gravity' value.  Click the [Next] button.
  7. Select a measurement type if prompted and click [Next].
  8. Enter the measurement data and click the [Next] button.  The data required on this page will vary from state to state. 
  9. Review the assessment results.  The results displayed will vary from state to state.
  10. Click [Previous] to modify any measurements or click the [Done] button to finish.
    **NOTE** - Practice assessments are not saved so they will not appear in the list.
  11. Click the [Add Assessment] button again to enter another practice assessment to this transaction or click 'Transactions' link to see all transactions.


Enter assessments and/or appeals

Click here for a video on this topic.

**NOTE 1** - Some of the steps in this process will vary slightly.
**NOTE 2** - 
If you are adding an appeal the process will be the same.  The system will detect and identify the assessment as an appeal.



  1. Log in with your username and password
  2. If you are an assessor: click on the team you want to enter assessments for.  If you are a coach: click 'Weight Management' in the grey menu.
  3. If you are adding to an existing transaction click on it and skip to step 5.  Otherwise, click the [Add Transaction] button to create a new transaction. 
  4. Select your name from the assessors' list, enter the hydration tester if prompted, and select 'Live' for the transaction mode.  Click the [Add] button to be taken to the transaction.
  5. Click the [Add Assessment] button
  6. Select the wrestler from the drop down menu.  If the wrestler is not in the list and there is a [New] button available next to the drop box, then use the [New] button to add or import them to the roster.  Otherwise, wrestlers will need to be added from the 'Roster' page. 
  7. Check/edit the assessment date and answer the 'Passed Hydration' question or enter the 'Specific Gravity' value.  Click the [Next] button.
  8. Select a measurement type if prompted and click [Next].
  9. Enter the measurement data and click the [Next] button.  The data required on this page may vary. 
  10. Review the assessment results.  The results displayed may vary.
  11. If you are entering assessments for another wrestler: Click the [Next Wrestler] button.  If you are done adding assessments: Click the [Finish] button.



Add a roster from the assessment

**NOTE** - This feature may not be available in some cases.  

To import a previous season roster from the assessment:

  1. Click on the [Add Assessment]
  2. Click on the [New] button next to the wrestler drop down
  3. Click 'here' to import a roster from previous seasons.
  4. Select the season and team you wish to import from and then click the [Next] button
  5. Place a checkmark in the box next to any wrestlers you wish to import and then click the [Next] button
  6. The imported wrestlers will then appear in the wrestler drop down


To add team members manually from the assessment:

  1. Click on the [Add Assessment]
  2. Click on the [New] button next to the wrestler drop down
  3. Fill out the form with information about the wrestler you are adding
  4. Click the [Next] button
  5. The added wrestler will then appear in the wrestler drop down

Edit assessments

Click here for a video on this topic.


  1. If you are going back to an existing transaction click My Account => My Transactions to see current transactions.  Click on a transaction to view assessments.

  2. Click the wrestler assessment you would like edit. Some states do not allow assessments to be altered once the transaction has been committed

  3. Once changes have been made, click [Save] and then [Recalc] if necessary.




Commit a transaction


Click here for a video on this topic.


  1. Once you are finished entering assessments you will need to commit the transaction.  By committing a transaction you are verifying that all of the information is correct on each assessment.  Once a transaction has been committed you will no longer be able to add or make changes to the assessments.

  2. Click the [Commit] button and type 'commit' to sign off on the assessments in the transaction.